Hello all -- the retrograde is here and I am going on Hiatus please sign up for the newsletter for updates as well as YouTube for readings every full and new moon. https://youtube.com/@astrolyszics
The silence has been deafening in the shop this year. Those who have been able to support me I am so honored and grateful. I am very much looking to revamp, energetically regroup and reorganize on life matters.
Newsletter sign up form: https://mailchi.mp/7287031bce1b/astrofamilia
On Jan 15 I will open for limited readings feel free to dm or email. I am open to collaborations, store stocking, and will be vending on occasion.
VENDING and 20% off discount event tickets: Move, Breathe, Grow 2025.
https://gigi-diaz.mykajabi.com/move-breathe-grow-2025 Use CODE LIZZ On 4/26/25 feel free if you’re a businesswoman to sign up for this phenomenal event ! I have loved the community and the space so if you can come have a full reset and support yourself and other women. Come through!
Please email magic@astrolyszics.com if you are looking for curated altar items, services, custom gift boxes, or bulk items.
Don't forget you are Magic.
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